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Do you have a dresser that needs to go out to the curb? Well... don't throw out the drawers with the dresser!

I've had dressers that went out to the curb because I could never get them to work properly, but what I didn't realize is... how valuable those same drawers could be for our family storage!

Simply remove the drawers before you toss out the dresser & use them to store things under your bed, or in the bottom of your closet.

You can add a small caster to the bottom of each corner of the drawer. This makes them very easy to slide out from under the bed, and easy to move around the room as well.

I'm going to use a drawer to store family shoes in the bottom of a closet, and one for toys under the kid's beds.

You could also use a drawer under each bed in the house to store the linens for that bed. This would save alot of running around when it comes time to make the beds!